Creating your day as if it were your last.

8/3/18--I had surgery three days ago. Thankfully, it was nothing serious. Nevertheless, it had me thinking about my mortality. As a nurse, I have seen a lot of death. I have lost several friends, my father, aunts and uncles and cousins. I know I am not alone.

Death is part of life and yet, we don’t talk about it. It is viewed as morbid to discuss. We go around in denial of our impermanence. Today is a gift and tomorrow is not promised.

We procrastinate because of our lack of awareness of our own mortality. We fail to take the vacation that we have dreamt about. We haven’t called our childhood friend who keeps coming into our mind. One day, we will get around to making those scrapbooks or writing that book, maybe.

I know this, because I am talking about myself. I bought the scrapbooks about 4 years ago and they are still on the shelf. I have not called my childhood friend that I have been meaning to for months. I have not gone on the vacation that I have dreamt about. I AM writing the book; well, the introduction is done.

8 a.m.  This morning, I meditated. Birds were chirping. The grass was wet from rain. Mother Nature is always in flux. So am I. After my meditation, I decided to journal about what my plans would be today if it were my last day. If this were to be my last day,  I doubt I  I could make it to the far-off places I hope to travel to someday. But I could make some phone calls and connect to those I love.  Would I worry about my “things”? Would I worry that I had not reached some lofty career goals? Nah. I wonder if I had served others well. Have I impacted the world in a positive or a negative way? These are the thoughts that cross my mind. What if these questions would motivate each and every day I have left?

I launched some intentions to live today as if it were my one and only. I made a bucket list for the day, written below. I didn’t have time for perfection. Nothing fancy…just my stream of consciousness. This is what flowed out:

24 hour bucket list

What if every day we started out with gratitude for this precious gift of another twenty-four hours and considered the possibility that it may be our last? How would our life change with this new awareness and attitude? I set about my day with these things in mind.

8 p.m.  My day was one of connection. I let people know I love them. I ate slower than usual. I worked. I made several mental notes of appreciation throughout the day. It was not perfect. I was not perfect, but I do not need to be. I strive to be my best self. I was honest. I was affectionate. I was allowing. I prayed. I meditated and I journaled my message to leave behind. My message contains some thoughts, nothing original, just thoughts that have become my truth.  My teachers have been Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsh, Marianne Williamson, Abraham Hicks, Brene Brown, Deepak Chopra among others. You may notice their messages in my love note to the world:

Dear Humans (Children),

  1. Don’t take yourself so seriously! Develop a sense of humor that will sustain you during the challenging times. 
  2. Heal your shadows. Hurt people hurt people, so work on not being a hurt person.
  3. Your most important work is to get aligned with the energy that creates worlds and then let your actions ripple out to everything and everyone from that place of alignment. 
  4. You are a unique expression of that divine energy that runs through everyone. Don’t be afraid to let your light shine. Claim your place in the world. 
  5. Every moment is a chance to start anew. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Forgive me, please.
  6. Lead with compassion. If that is difficult, consider this possibility: everyone (including yourself) is doing the best they can given the circumstances,  conditioning and resources at their disposal. 
  7. Acceptance is the answer to all your problems today. 
  8. Stay where your feet are. This present moment is precious. If staying aware of the present moment seems impossible, practice mindfulness meditation. It will help. I promise. 
  9. The Universe is always conspiring for your benefit. 
  10. There IS enough. 
  11. We are all ONE.
  12. Love is all there is at the end of the day. Choose Love. How do you do that? Appreciate everything and everyone. Appreciation and Love are the same vibration. If you are loving someone, you are appreciating them….not judging them and not fixing them. 

Wishing you a life aligned with your truth and allowing your inner light to shine brightly!

Before I go, I am praying this is really not my last day on this beautiful earth. I have some phone calls to make. I have a book to write. I have some scrapbooks to fill. I have people to see. I have chocolate ice cream to sample. I have many more moments to be enjoyed….Broadway, Cape Cod, Italy, future grandchildren…one can only hope!


Jeanette (MOM)

7 thoughts on “Creating your day as if it were your last.

  1. Jeanette, hope you are feeling better each day post surgery. I love your posts & look forward to reading next one. I really like how you signed off on this one with “love all ways”. Absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait for your book!


  2. Ditto to all of this Jeanette. I am so grateful to have you in my life to remind me of all of these things! Can i come to Italy with you? It is also on my bucket list ❤️ stacey


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